Isabell lorey biography sampler printableIsabell lorey biography sampler listIsabell lorey biography sampler templateIsabell lorey biography sampler youtube ESTADO DE INSEGURIDAD. GOBERNAR LA PRECARIEDAD. ISABELL LOREY ... Follow Isabell Lorey and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Isabell Lorey Author Page.Isabell Lorey: books, biography, latest update - Isabell Lorey studied political science, philosophy and African and European ethnology at Goethe University Frankfurt and her thesis in was the first monograph on the US American political philosopher Judith Butler, one of the most significant theorists in queer studies.Isabell Lorey. Estado de inseguridad. Gobernar la precariedad. Isabell Lorey (German: [ˈiːzabɛl loːˈʁaɪ]) [2] is a political theorist at the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies and professor at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Kassel. Isabell Lorey -
Isabell Lorey is a political scientist. She is a isit-ing professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin and teaches political theory, cultural, gender, and postcolonial studies at the University of ienna. Her many areas of research include feminist and political theory, focusing on biopolitics, critical. Lorey, Isabell (2020): Demokratie im Präsens. Eine Theorie ...
Isabell Lorey, State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious, translated by Aileen Derieg (Verso, ) Isabell Lorey is a political theorist whose past work has encompassed theories of governance, modernity, and biopolitics. Isabell Lorey - transversal texts
political theorist based in Berlin. She is Professor for Queer Studies in Science and Arts at the Academy for Media Arts Cologne. From she held the professorship for Transnational Gender Politics at the Institute for Political Science, University of Kassel. Isabell Lorey - Wikipedia
Isabell Lorey is a political theorist at the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (EIPCP), based in Berlin, and an editor of transversal texts. Isabell Lorey - Monoskop
Isabell Lorey has 16 books on Goodreads with ratings. Isabell Lorey’s most popular book is State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious (Future.
From a state of insecurity to a community of care – 3:AM Magazine
El libro de Lorey trabaja con enorme claridad conceptual para ayudarnos a distinguir entre formas de precariedad, sus implicaciones sociales y los modos particulares en los que la precariedad da nombre a una nueva forma de poder y de potencial de explotación.
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sample of 63 biographical narrative interviews with precarious young workers in Poland. |
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The article aims to explore the relationship between biographical work and the strategies of managing precarity (low-paid and unstable. |
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The "data driven life," as Gary Wolf describes it, takes the self as the object to curate, and submits that auto/biographical assemblage of qualities and. |
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Abstract: The article aims to explore the relationship between biographical work and the strategies of managing precarity (low-paid and unstable employment). |
Books by Isabell Lorey (Author of State of Insecurity)
Isabell Lorey es profesora en la Universidad de Kassel, ha dado clases de feminismo, teoría política y postcolonial en las universidades de Basel, Berlín y Viena. Miembro del European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (eipcp), forma parte del consejo editorial de la serie transversal texts.
Cuadernos de filosofía. Estado de inseguridad. Gobernar la precariedad es un libro de Isabell Lorey publicado originalmente en alemán en el , traducido al español por Raúl Sánchez Cedillo y editado por Traficantes de Sueños en
Isabell Lorey (2015: 19) captures this: 'what is problematized here is not what makes everyone the same, but rather what is shared by all.
Encouraged to believe ourselves flexible and autonomous, we experience a creeping isolation that has both social and political impacts, and serves the purposes of capital accumulation and social State of Insecurity, Isabell Lorey explores the possibilities for organization and resistance under the contemporary status quo, and.Privacy has always been a problem for auto|biography studies.
Mit Antonio Negri verdeutlicht Lorey schließlich ihre Vor-stellung von der „Multitude“, die als Quelle für Inklusionsansprüche den Prozess der Konstituierung von Demokratie unnachgiebig offenhält und damit auch die pa-triarchalischen Verkrustungen aufbricht. Damit leitet Lorey über zu einer Art Projektion ihrer Demokratievorstellung auf.The antiAtlas of Borders is an experimentation at the crossroads of research, art and practice.
1 The use of ‘precarity’ in quotation marks designates the term as used solely in a negative sense in precarization research in the social sciences, in the following primarily in the line of research taken by Robert Castel.